Monday, November 7, 2011


more disease  and less space "yup its called living in the slums". the slums have a negative effect on populations, because people who live in slums experience bad housing, poor health, and unsanitary conditions. this is why people rather not live in the slums but have no choice. also the slums have a negative effect on populations.


more disease  and less space "yup its called living in the slums". the slums have a negative effect on populations, because people who live in slums experience bad housing, poor health, and unsanitary conditions. this is why people rather not live in the slums but have no choice. also the slums have a negative effect on populations.
slums have a bad houses over there at the slums. people experience, bad housing because it is crowded and have not enough space for a whole family. the slums have a little houses possible seven feet tall. alot of people live in slums because they have no money to buy a regular house for there own. these are the negative effects on population the slums have.
also alot of people in the slums have a poor health. alot of people living in the slums are sick for many reasons. a person can be contiguis with some sickness, and since alot of them are bunched up they passs it on real fast. the slums is crowded with alot or disease that just pass from one person to another. many are just causing population to get sick with the diseases the people have. these are reasons the people living in the slums have a negative effect on populations.
the slums is a very unhealthy or samitery place live in. people in slums do thier business in, where ever they can. some use bags or some their neighbors out door restrooms. the slums is unsanitary because there is also sewage around the place making it worse for people to live nice and clean. the slums has too much trash it will take too long to clean up so people dont bother. this has an effect on poopulation by making is just so dirty.
in the conclusion the slums have anegative effect on populations. the slums are not so good with housing people. the slums have poor health for people. also the slums are very unsanitary these why slums have negative effection population.


slums have a negative effect on populations because people who live in slums experience bad housing, poor health, and unsanitary conditions.